Saturday, October 27, 2007

Ipods Educational Use at Duke University

The Ipod program started in the year 2004 when over 1600 Ipods were issued to to students at Duke university. The program features class pod casts, historical speeches, visual aid, and study guides, just to name a few. I can relate to the importance of this because I have benefited from using my ipod in my studies. I have recorded lectures on my cell phone, downloaded it to my cpu and then downloaded it on to my ipod. It is great because I can listen to my lecture anywhere I go. Whether it be walking, driving, running, or even doing dishes. I think this would be great to have in all universities. The downside is that it could be costly, and there is the risk of students damaging the ipod. Instead of issuing Ipods perhaps they should be a required purchase. Other than that this is a super idea, and I wish we had it here at USA.

I don't see this program flying over in public schools anytime soon. It would be too costly, and I don't see many parents that will be too happy having to fork over the money to buy one. Until the Ipod's price goes down significantly, only then will the public schools use this tool. If it were to happen I would have slides for the students to download, such as microscopic slides, and pictures of species among other things, as I will be teaching High School Biology. I really think that this would be such a great program, but to be honest, I don't think many parents will go the extra mile to make sure that that is all that the students will be using them for.